Quick Start Guide

1. Install RSX

go install github.com/rubiojr/rsx@latest

If you want RSX with SQLite and FTS5 (full-text search) support:

CGO_ENABLED=1 go install --tags fts5,semver github.com/rubiojr/rsx@latest

2. Create Your First Project

# Create a new project called 'hello-world'
rsx new hello-world
cd hello-world

3. Project Structure

You'll see the following files created:

├── main.risor    # Main entry point
└── lib/          # Directory for additional modules

4. Write Your First Script

Edit main.risor:

import rsx

# Print a message
rsx.log("Hello, World!")

# Use some basic functionality
for range 3 {

# Use built-in SQLite
# Make sure to build RSX with SQLite and FTS5 support
import sql
db := sql.open("sqlite::memory:")
db.exec("CREATE TABLE test (name TEXT)")
db.exec("INSERT INTO test VALUES ('RSX')")
result := db.query("SELECT * FROM test")

5. Development

During development, you can run your script directly:

rsx run

6. Build and Run

When ready to distribute:

# Build the binary
rsx build

# Run your application

7. Using External Modules

Add external Risor modules:

import rsx

# Load a module from GitHub
rsx.load("gh:rubiojr/risor-libs/lib/pool", { branch: "main" })

# Use the module
pool.new(2)  # Create a worker pool with 2 workers
pool.queue(func() { rsx.log("Task executed!") })